عن جرش

Jerash during the Hashemite Era

During the Hashemite era, Jerash experienced great development in all spheres of life, administrative, economic and social, which had a positive impact on the inhabitants of the city and the neighboring population centers. Jerash developed during the reign of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein and was chosen as the Cultural City of Jordan for the year 2015 and became one of the most beautiful governorates in Jordan. Jerash, with its architecture, cleanliness, wide streets, and gardens, which spread under the rule of the Hashemites, deserved to be the pride of the cities and return to the prestigious position it had always earned.

Modern industries in Jerash Governorate

The local industry has developed in Jerash Governorate and made a quantum leap. During the Hashemite era, they witnessed industrial development with state support, the use of machinery, and capital. The agricultural and food industries saw the emergence of the packaging and preservative industries for agricultural products, leather tanning, the production of gelatin and glue, and industries based on the utilization of hair, wool, and dander from various animals as well as most important industries in Jerash Governorate which are the dairy farming and its derivatives, and the use of fruit trees for the production of juices, jams, and vinegar.

The Educational System in Jerash during the Hashemite Era

Educational institutions reached a stage of development and progress during the Hashemite era. From the beginning of Hashemite rule in eastern Jordan, education was supported, and this support increased with the kingdom's independence in 1946, until Jordanian education became a model in the region and the world in terms of quantity, quality, and methods, as Hashemites built scientific edifices step by step.

This Hashemite approach has reached its peak nowadays, during the reign of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein with the modernization of educational programs and the qualitative change in education to keep pace with the age of information technology and the use of its technology with ease, efficiency, and creativity. The achievements that have been made show a tremendous development in education. Education in Jerash governorate had a share in this development that took place in education in terms of the use of technology in education.

Universities in Jerash Governorate:

Jerash Private University (1993)

A private Jordanian university located in Jerash Governorate, 40 km north of the capital Amman, on the main road connecting it to the city of Irbid. The university includes 11 specialized colleges and high-level teaching staff.

The University plays a leading role in the community development of Jerash governorate and the surrounding areas through voluntary community programs. It also supports cultural development in the governorate by organizing annual professional conferences and hosting governorate activities.

Philadelphia Private University

It was founded in 1989 and began teaching in 1991. It is located south of the city of Jerash on the main road to Amman. The university includes faculties of engineering, pharmacy, arts, sciences, business, information technology, and nursing.


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